Thank you for your interest in plastic waste upcycling!

If you already have the Plastic Bottle Cutting tool, please visit the "How To" section.


What's that for?

I’m sure that you and your family every week use plenty of PET bottles (plastic bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate).

Mineral water, juice, milk, Cola, beer, etc. – are all commonly packed in PET bottles.

When a bottle is empty, you just throw it into a trash bin. It’s not so bad if your town has a recycling facility for PET bottles. If not - bottles are just taken to dumping ground.

Why not get some extra utility from used PET bottles?

Take advantage of the PET bottle cutter - this simple yet very useful appliance.

With the bottle cutter tool, you may cut any PET bottle to get PET rope or band with variable width (approx. 1-9 mm).

What advantages does P.E.T. rope have?

By cutting PET bottles for you needs you make your town and the environment much cleaner – very soon you’ll note that you have a lack of PET bottles ))).

So with PET rope extractor, you can get an almost endless amount of a FREE, FIRM and WEATHERPROOF rope with THERMOSHRINK abilities. You may get the rope in assorted colors according to the color of the bottle.